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Mental & Emotional Health

Fiona is a compassionate acupuncturist specializing in trauma-informed care for mental health conditions. With a deep understanding of how trauma affects the body and mind, Fiona integrates acupuncture to support healing and resilience. Her approach fosters a safe, nurturing environment where clients feel empowered on their journey towards emotional well-being.

Did you know 1 million Australians currently suffer with depression and a further 2 million suffer anxiety?


Dr Fiona has a special interest in treating mental health conditions including anxiety, stress, depression and PTSD. Fiona has level one certification in Transformational Acupuncture, under medical Doctor - Dr Alex Joannou utilising Esoteric Acupuncture. 


It’s scientifically proven that our physical and emotional health are deeply connected to our thoughts and behavioural patterns. This is why, if you track back any physical or mental health condition, it can often be traced back to some emotion, self-image, or behaviour.


Besides health, our thoughts also define all other areas of our lives like our career, our purpose, relationships, and wealth. As they say, you attract what you think. So it won't be wrong to say that if you feel dissatisfied in any area of your life, its reason perhaps is linked to some blocks existing in your energy field and thought pattern. And it’s asking for your attention.

But what if we told you that you can heal these energy blocks holding you back, to an awakened awareness that will guide you to live your life to the fullest potential? Yes, it is possible and this is what Transformational Acupuncture is all about.


What is Transformational Acupuncture?


The transformational Acupuncture International method of acupuncture which incorporates knowledge from Traditional Chinese Medicine,  Ayurvedic understanding of the chakras, Sacred Geometry, and the power of your intuition.


Working on the level of mind, body and spirit, Transformational acupuncture is a safe and effective way to aid in the treatment of mental health conditions such as depression and anxiety.


Dr Alexander Joannou MBBS (Hons) FACNEM, has documented significant benefits to patients with mental health issues using Transformational acupuncture and has conducted 400,000 patient consultations, including performing over 60,000 acupuncture treatments over his 40 year medical career.  Dr Alex has witnessed first hand the complex interrelationship between the mind, body and spirit. Dr Alex has developed a system, Transformational Acupuncture, that has been demonstrated to help people with depression, anxiety and stress. 


Dr Alex is also the author of “Transformational Acupuncture: A drug-free solution for Depression”, due for publication 2018.


Find out more at :


What is involved in a Transformational Acupuncture Treatment? 


The process to receive transformative acupuncture
- Fill out Mind, Body Spirit score sheet which will be emailed to you prior to the treatment. Or arrive early to fill one out in person. 
- 40 mins (comfortably positioned face down)
- 20 mins (comfortably position face up)
- allow for 75 minutes for each session


It is highly recommended to do the course of 12 treatments weekly over 12 weeks.


*More severe cases 2 to 3 courses of 12 treatments are recommended


If you have any questions about Transformational Acupuncture for mental health, please don't hesitate to contact Fiona Franklin our acupuncturist on 0403 504 628.  


Or book an appointment today. 

Mental Health & Acupuncture

How does Acupuncture Support Mental Health? 


Acupuncture is believed to support mental health through several mechanisms, although the scientific understanding is still evolving. Here are some ways acupuncture may contribute to mental well-being:


1. Regulation of neurotransmitters: Acupuncture may influence the release and regulation of neurotransmitters such as serotonin, dopamine, and noradrenaline, which are important for mood regulation.

2. Stress reduction: Acupuncture has been shown to reduce levels of cortisol, the hormone associated with stress. By lowering cortisol levels, acupuncture can help alleviate symptoms of anxiety and stress.

3. Modulation of the autonomic nervous system: Acupuncture may affect the balance between the sympathetic (fight-or-flight) and parasympathetic (rest-and-digest) nervous systems. This modulation can promote relaxation and improve overall mental health.

4. Anti-inflammatory effects: Chronic inflammation has been linked to various mental health disorders, including depression and anxiety. Acupuncture may have anti-inflammatory properties that help reduce inflammation in the body and brain.

5. Regulation of brain function: Studies using functional MRI (fMRI) have shown that acupuncture can modulate activity in specific brain regions involved in mood regulation and emotional processing.

6. Improvement in sleep quality: Acupuncture has been found to enhance sleep quality, which is crucial for maintaining mental health and emotional well-being.​

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